

ボホール カビラオ サウスウォール 190217 Sun. 3rd.


The blue-green damselfish was nuptial coloration.
I watched them in seaweed bed.

I have dived into the Southwall of Cabilao Island for the third time today.


ボホール カビラオ サウスウォール 190217 Sun. 2nd.

I have dived into the Southwall of Panglao Island for the second time today.
The seawater of this dive point is always clear.


ボホール カビラオサ タリサイ 190217 Sun 1st.

I have dived into the Tarisai of Cabilao Island for the first time today.
The seawater temperature 26 degrees centigrade.

おはようございます。 Good morning.

  おはようございます。 気持ちのいい風が吹いています。 朝9時の気温は28度です。 曲はジョニーとハリケーンのレッドリバーロックです。  Good morning. There is a pleasant breeze. The temperature at 9 am is 2...