
ボホール パングラオ ハグダン 190929 Sun. 2nd.

私がチゴべハゼが見たいというとフィリピン人のダイフマスターが見せてくれた。 全くたいしたもんだ。
When I said"I want to see Naude's rubble goby.", Philippines divemaster showed me it. He has a splendid ability which is in search of fish.

We dived into the sea of Hagdan of Panglao island for the second time 29 Sept 2019.


ボホール カビラオ パンタラン 190922 Sun. 3rd.

遊んでくれてありがとう。Thank you for playing with me.

We dived into the sea of Pantaran of Cabilao island for the third time 22 Sept 2019.


Many orange-spotted trevallies were to catch and eat sardines.
I was not able to take a picture of it.
That's too bad.
Action movies use to soliloquy Tougf sit.


ボホール カビラオ タリサイ 190922 Sun. 2nd.

The smoke of the fire of Indonesia comes to this country.
We cannot watch a beautiful blue sky here.

We dived into the sea of Tarisai of Cabilao island for the second time 22 Sept 2019.


ボホール カビラオ ライトハウス 190922 Sun. 1st.

We went diving into the sea of Lighthouse of Cabilao island for the first time 22 Sept 2019.
It is clear seawater.


ボホール パングラオ ドルホ 190915 Sun. 3rd.


We were diving into the sea of Doljyo of Panglao island for the third time 15 Sept 2019.
The wind was strong on that day.
Many bunker boats got together in this place.

おはようございます。 Good morning.

  おはようございます。 気持ちのいい風が吹いています。 朝9時の気温は28度です。 曲はジョニーとハリケーンのレッドリバーロックです。  Good morning. There is a pleasant breeze. The temperature at 9 am is 2...