
パングラオ マバウリーフ 200315. Sun. 天気の良いパングラオを貸し切りました。


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 We dived into the Panglao island reserved today.
For the first time into the Mabau reef.
A brown coral blenny has innocent pretty eyes.
It is so really cute. 
The bubble coral shrimp had many whitish eggs.


パングラオ ライトハウス 200308 Sun.

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 We dived into the Lighthouse of Panglao island for the third time three days ago.


パングラオ スライドショー 200301.

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パングラオ ヒナグダン 0308 Sun.

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We dived into the Hinagdan of Panglao island for the second time the day before yesterday.



  散歩から帰ってくるとポツリポツリと雨粒が落ちてきました。 朝8時の気温は26℃です。 When I came back from my walk, the rain began to spit. The temperature at 8am was 26°C.