
カビラオ ライトハウス 20200216 Sun. 2nd. 初めて真っ赤なオガミテッポウエビを見た。

 We dived into the Lighthouse of Cabilao island for the second time the day before yesterday.
 I watched a bright red Ogami(pray) snapping shrimp for the first time on that day.
I was looking for its English name, but I didn't find it.
If you know its English name, please tell me it.


カビラオ タリサイ 20200216 Sun. めずらしく濁っていた。

 We dived into the Talisai of Cabilao island for the first time yesterday.
That seawater was unusually cloudy with silt.



パングラオ ライトハウス 200209 Sun. 3rd. 天気は良いし風はそよそよ、のんびりゆったり。

 We dived into the Lighthouse of Panglao island for the third time three days ago.
It was sunny on that day and a gentle breeze blew.  
Time passed so slowly.
I relaxed underwater.


パングラオ ドオール 200209 Sun. 2nd. 海水温は27℃でした。

 We dived into the Duole of Panglao island for the second time the day before yesterday.
It places seawater temperature was 27 degrees Celsius. 


パングラオ ハグダン 200209 Sun. 1st. 少し透明度が良くなかった。


 We dived into the Hagdan of Panglao island for the first time yesterday.
Its point water was the condition of being slightly muddy. 


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ONE DRIVEのトラブルには気を付けてください。 https://pc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/topic/feature/1609141.html  Windows11にアカウントを登録すると自動的にONEDRIVEがバックアップを取り始めます。 ...