
ボホール パングラオ ドオール 190414 Sun. 3rd.

私 久しぶりだね。
ブレニー 何処にいたんだい。
私 タグビララン市にずーッといたよ。
ブレニー そうなの ダイビング頑張って。
私 ありがとう さよなら。
ブレニー さよなら。

I said to blenny. "Hey! Long time no see."
Blenny asked me. "Where have you been."
I said. "I have been living in Tg city."
Blenny said "It's good. Good luck with your diving."
I said. "Thanks, bye."
Blenny said. "B, bye."

I have dived into the Duole of Panglao island for the third time today.

ボホール パングラオ ハグダン 190414 Sun. 2nd.


Purple cleaner shrimp lives in both Hagdan and Lighthouse.
The color of the shrimp body of Lighthouse appears light red but it of Hagdan comes out transparently.

I have dived into the Hagdan of Panglao island for the second time today.


動画 パングラオの海。 DVD Panglao sea.

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I took this DVD Panglao island At 190414.

ボホール パングラオ ライトハウス 190414 Sun.

 It was a sunny day.
I have dived into the Lighthouse of Panglao island for the first time today.
Seawater temperature 28 degrees Celsius.


ボホール バリカサグ ロイヤルガーデン 190407 Sun.

Bigeye trevally shoal appeared at the Royal garden of Balicasag island.

動画 バリカサグ島ロイヤルガーデンのギンガメアジの群れ。190407.

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Please click a square sign of the lower right this browser.

I have seen Bigeye trevally shoal at the Royal garden of Balikasag island.


  新年おめでとうございます。 旧年中はお世話になりました。 本年も宜しくお願い申し上げます。 朝7時の気温は26℃です。 Happy New Year. I highly appreciate your help during the past year. I look for...