東方海上に雲がありません、ドライシーズンがやってきます。 There are no clouds over the eastern ocean, so the dry season is coming.
朝食は多く摂りますか。Do you eat a lot of breakfast?
おはようございます。 Good morning.
高血圧の数値は年齢+90ですか。 Is the value of hypertension age + 90?
For a long time, normal blood pressure was defined as age plus 90.
In 1983, the former Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare defined blood pressure over 180/100 as high blood pressure (requiring medical care).
The Japanese Society of Hypertension used government scholars to fabricate documents and tighten the blood pressure standard.
The 140/90 reading that the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare showed in 2008 is a reading that recommends a medical examination.
Please note that all the readings shown by the Japanese Society of Hypertension are for antihypertensive treatment.
The Japanese Society of Hypertension has changed the standard for high blood pressure at the request of pharmaceutical companies and continues to increase sales of blood pressure-lowering drugs.
They continue to label people who do not have high blood pressure as having high blood pressure and prescribe them antihypertensive drugs that are harmful to the body.
The Japanese media has no say in this, which symbolizes the distortion of Japan.
風が少し熱くなってきました。 The wind is getting a little hotter.
フィリピンのコーヒー豆。 Philippine's coffee beans.
風が吹き抜けています。 The wind is blowing through.
姿かたちは変われども 私の水羊羹。Although its shape may change, it is my Mizuyokan.
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