
ボホール パングラオ ドオール 190609 Sun. 3rd.

We have dived into the Duole of Panglao island for the third today.
I am going to Japan when I will dive next week.


ボホール パングラオ ハグダン 190609 Sun. 2nd.

ホシゾラワラエビ。 Spider club.

This is not Ortmann's spider crab but Spider crab.
There are not white rings joints of the foot.

We have dived into the Hagdan of Panglao island for the second time today.


ボホール パングラオ ライトハウス 190609 Sun. 1st.

This is my bedroom which is girlish tee-hee-hee.

We had dived into the Lighthouse of Panglao island for the first time today.
It so really pretty young Brown coral blenny.



ボホール パングラオ ドオール 190602 Sun. 3rd.


We had dived into the Duole of Panglao island for the third time today.
The seawater was muddy of Duole and a field of view was bad.
It was a seawater temperature of 29 degrees Celsius.


ボホール パングラオ ハグダン 190602 Sun. 2nd.

We had dived into the Hagdan of the Panglao island for the second time today.
It was raining when we went back to the boat.

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