
ダイビング ボホール パングラオ ドオール 181007(2nd) 幼魚編

Those pictures are all of the young fish.

Slightly out of focus.

I have been living together in the umbrella of this jellyfish.

I have dived into the Doule of Panglao Island for the second time today.


ダイビング ボホール パングラオ ドオール 180930(3rd)

I pictured the electric wires of the utility pole of Bohol to see this photograph.

I have dived into the Duole of Panglao Island for the third time today.

ダイビング パングラオ島 ハグダン 晴れ 透視度良 海水温28 ℃ 2024/12/24.

画像をクリックして大きな画像を見てください。 Click on the image to see a larger version.  I was going to a diving point named Hagudan at Panglao Island. It was su...