朝六時半の気温は28℃です 。
The sun rose, the clouds dispersed, and the sky became blue.
The temperature at 6:30 in the morning is 28 degrees Celsius.
Its point was named the Lighthouse of the Panglao-island of Bohol.
The water temperature was 29℃ on this day.
I dived 2024/05/25.
Its point was named the Hagudan of the Panglao-island of Bohol.
It's sunny on this day.
The water temperature was 28 degrees.
I dived 2024/05/25.
Its point was named the Douru of the Panglao-island of Bohol.
The water temperature on this day was 28℃.
朝食に温野菜が食べたくなってカリフラワーと人参を茹でました。 ジャガイモのガレットは弱火で焼くので時間がかかりすぎます。 ハッシュドブラウンのほうが短い時間で作れそうです。 I boiled cauliflower and carrots because I wanted t...